Scott Bio

eLearning Project Manager

National RTAP
5 Wheeling Avenue
Woburn, MA 01801
781-404-5036 direct
781-895-1122 fax

Scott Zadakis joined the National Rural Transit Assistance Program as eLearning Project Manager in September 2020. In this role he is responsible for eLearning product administration, outreach, and content development.

Prior to joining National RTAP Scott was Executive Director of CrossTownConnect Transportation Management Association where he collaborated with public and private sector partners in the suburbs northwest of Boston, MA to address regional needs including improved community transportation and mobility options for the general public, employer access to highly skilled workers, reduction of traffic congestion and air pollution, and more transportation choices for commuters. This award-winning public-private partnership establishes multimodal transportation networks for all people regardless of age, ability, financial resources, or other factors. At CrossTownConnect, Scott developed extensive knowledge related to community transportation, human service transportation, and transportation demand management.

Scott also has a background in research, having worked as a Research Associate on transportation topics at the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University and at the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership.

Scott has a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Policy from Northeastern University, where he focused on clean energy and transportation policy, and a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs with a concentration in Political Science from the University of Maine.

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