Hours of Operation:

Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

2 the Point Training

2 the Point Training cards are designed for quick refresher training for drivers that can be reviewed during safety meetings, while parked and waiting for a passenger to finish an appointment, or at the beginning of the day before starting a route. Each card has training information on the front and a quiz on the back. There is space at the bottom for both the driver's and their supervisor's signature. 

Note: This is meant to be a refresher course. More detailed trainings should take place upon hire and periodically. 

How to download and print the cards:

View each section and its subtopics below. Click on a link to open a PDF of that section's cards. We recommend printing them double-sided so the quizzes appear on the back. You can print on plain printer paper or card stock, such as Avery product #8317 (cardstock with a perforated line down the middle - select "tall" as orientation), and cut each page along the dotted line. To ensure the formatting of the cards is correct, download the files to your computer before printing. To have multiple copies printed by a professional, we can provide a file that works better for that purpose. You can laminate the cards and/or hole punch the corner and use a binder ring to keep all of the cards in one section together.

Click here for all the 2 the Point Training cards in one file. A full set of Spanish cards is also available. If you are unable to download the cards, you can request a set. National RTAP will provide one copy of each set of cards per agency per year. To request the cards, email info@nationalrtap.org.

The 2 the Point Training cards and quizzes are also available in English and Spanish on our National RTAP eLearning system.

We have also developed a 2 The Point Crossword Puzzle as a fun way to track the training. Crossword Puzzle Answers are available.

How to use this training:

Each can be used alone, be completed sequentially within a topic, and/or be completed in a series, allowing drivers to move at a pace and style that suites their training needs. Supervisors can use specific cards to refresh drivers on problem areas as they arise. A schedule can be created for reviewing the cards, such as giving a new card to drivers each week (2 the Point Tuesday!). Transit agencies can also create new training cards specific to their own policies by using this Microsoft Office Publisher template.

How to track this training:

This answer key contains the answers to all of the 2 the Point quizzes. A tracking spreadsheet is available to keep a record of which cards a driver has completed, the date the training was completed, and the quiz scores.

To recognize drivers for completing any or all sections of 2 the Point Training, use the certificates of completion. If drivers take the 2 the Point Training and quizzes on our National RTAP eLearning system, the tracking is automatic and the certificates of completion can be downloaded from eLearning.

Topic Areas and Content Cards:

Issue One: General Guidelines
Issue Two: Customers with Hearing Impairments
Issue Three: Customers with Vision Disabilities
Issue Four: Customers Who Use Service Animals
Issue Five: Customers Who Use Wheelchairs

Issue One: Bloodborne Pathogens and the Workplace
Issue Two: Cleanup Procedures
Issue Three: Removing Soiled Gloves
Issue Four: Reporting Pathogens
Issue Five: General Tips

Issue One: Who is the Customer?
Issue Two: Transit Customers' Needs
Issue Three: Steps in Quality Customer Service
Issue Four: Who is Responsible for Morale?
Issue Five: Responding to Customer Complaints
Issue Six: Dealing with Difficult Passengers

Issue One: En-route Inspection
Issue Two: Personal Preparedness- Risk Factors
Issue Three: I.P.D.E. Driving Method
Issue Four: Unintentional Skids
Issue Five: Adverse Conditions- Night Driving 1
Issue Five: Adverse Conditions- Night Driving 2
Issue Five: Adverse Conditions- Reduced Visibility
Issue Five: Adverse Conditions- Driving through Water
Issue Five: Adverse Conditions- Winter Driving
Issue Five: Adverse Conditions- Summer Driving
Issue Six: Speed and Following Distance
Issue Seven: Braking Distance
Issue Eight: Mirror and Blind Spots
Issue Nine: Backing
Issue Ten: Passing 1
Issue Ten: Passing 2
Issue Eleven: Freeway Safety
Issue Twelve: Who Should Yield?
Issue Thirteen: Sharing the Road- Pedestrians
Issue Thirteen: Sharing the Road- Bicyclists

Issue One: What is a Distraction?
Issue Two: Get the Facts
Issue Three: Working to be Distraction Free

Issue One: OTC and Prescription Drugs
Issue Two: Safety-Sensitive Employees
Issue Three: Prohibited Drugs
Issue Four: Testing
Issue Five: Refusal to Test
Issue Six: Refusals, Positive Tests & Violations
Issue Seven: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Problems

Issue One: Seven Steps of Crisis Management
Issue Two: Hazardous Materials
Issue Three: Evacuation
Issue Three: Evacuation- Non-ambulatory passengers
Issue Four: Vehicle Fires
Issue Five: Communication
Issue Six: Communicating with Dispatch
Issue Seven: Securing the Vehicle
Issue Seven: Securing the Vehicle- Triangles and flares 1
Issue Seven: Securing the Vehicle- Triangles and flares 2

Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- Prepare for vehicle walk-around
Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- Walk-around front
Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- Walk-around middle
Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- Walk-around rear
Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- Tires and rims
Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- Engine compartment
Issue One: Pre-trip Inspection- On-board
Issue Two: Post-trip Inspection
Issue Three: Seat Belts- Driver use
Issue Three: Seat Belts- Passenger use

Issue One: Your Responsibility
Issue Two: Accommodating Disability Equipment
Issue Three: Wheelchair Basics
Issue Four: Lift Operations
Issue Five: Wheelchair Securement 1
Issue Five: Wheelchair Securement 2
Issue Six: Securing Scooters
Issue Seven: Pre-trip Inspection

Updated July 26, 2018

If you find that the 2 The Point Training cards to not cover a topic you were looking for, please email us at info@nationalrtap.org. These submissions will be taken under consideration by the National RTAP staff.


The information in this training program was taken from the following sources:

National RTAP staff would like to thank the following workgroup members (all current or former National RTAP Review Board members) whose expertise and experience shaped the development of this training product:

  • Sarah Brodt-Lenz, Minnesota Department of Transportation
  • John Filippone, Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, Colorado
  • Louis Friend, Chickaloon Native Village/Transit Division, Alaska
  • Ryan Fujii, Hawaii Department of Transportation
  • Joe Hardin, Ztrans, New Mexico
  • Dan Harrigan, Arizona Department of Transportation
  • Ronald Hughes, Kings Area Rural Transit, California
  • Debra McGlasson, Pelivan Transit, Oklahoma
  • Lesa Pinker, Ride Connection, Oregon
  • Vicky Warner, Indiana RTAP

Updated March 15, 2024

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