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Tribal Awards

Tribal Transit Awards

National RTAP Tribal Transit Awards

The National RTAP Tribal Transit Champion Awards and Tribal Transit Agency Awards honor innovation, efficiency, commitment, and performance in the tribal transit industry. Awards were presented at the National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference: Navigating the Tides of Change for Rural and Tribal Transit, December 3-6, 2023 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  The three awards recognize challenges overcome and best practices that raise the bar for tribal transit. The recognition distinguishes the award recipients as champions in this industry.

Congratulations to the 2023 Winners!

National RTAP Executive Director Robin Phillips presented the Tribal Transit Champion and Tribal Systems Awards at The 5th National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference, Charting New Trails for Rural & Tribal Transit on December 5, 2023. "Each of the award members and honorees provide amazing service that goes above and beyond," said Phillips.

Tribal Transit Champions

White Earth Public Transit Logo

First Place

Michael Bowman

Director, White Earth Public Transit

Michael Bowman has been a driving force to making sure that White Earth Public transit serves the communities and providing new innovations.

There was a tie for second place:

Principle Chief Chuck Hoskins

Second Place

Chuck Hoskin, Jr.,

Principal Chief, Cherokee Nation

Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr. was nominated for the good work that he has done for tribal and rural transit in

the state of Oklahoma.

Pyramid Lake Tribe Paiute logo

Second Place

Michele Smith

Transit Manager, Pyramid Lake Tribe Paiute

Michele Smith, Transit Manager, Pyramid Lake Tribe Paiute has a wealth of experience in managing large-scale projects. She is an excellent communicator and is able to effectively manage teams of people to ensure that projects are completed to the highest standards.

Tribal Transit Agency Winners

First Place

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation / Kayak Public Transit

The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) / Kayak Public Transit never cease to find creative solutions to problems that arise. The relationships that they have developed through their hard work have made them a model agency in their region who has gained the trust and respect of the communities they serve. They value their passengers, and they value the stakeholders they work with.

Second Place

Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians / Choctaw Transit

Under the leadership of Jeremy Bell, the Tribal Transit Agency, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians makes a difference in and around a nine county area of Mississippi. As forward thinkers, the tribe partnered with tribal schools and workforce development to provide instructors to train drivers. The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians transit clearly operates with heart and community.

White Earth Public Transit logo

Third Place

White Earth Nation / White Earth Public Transit

White Earth Public Transit has been a leader in the tribal transit industry by providing new clean emission buses such a propane and converted over 50 percent of its fleet to Propane.

In addition to the winners, National RTAP would like to acknowledge the Wall of Fame honorees for their achievements and successes in Tribal transit:

  • Alan Eirls, Director of Transportation, Coeur d' Alene Tribe
  • Robert and Susan Johnson, Kayak Public Transit
  • Mark David Leary, Operations Director, Native Village of Napaimute
  • Carla Teeman, Transit Coordinator, Burns Paiute Tribe
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