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National RTAP Announces 2017 Marketing Contest

support • June 15, 2017

6/15/17, Woburn, MA -- Instead of National RTAP's Annual Photo Contest, this year we’re asking for your brochures and passenger guides!  Check out our  Marketing Transit Toolkit  for ideas on how to improve your existing brochure, specifically the Fundamental Communication page, or submit the brochure as is.


  • Grand Prize - One free registration for our 2017 Technical Assistance Conference in Omaha, October 29-November 1!
  • Runners-Up - Two runners-up will receive $50 gift cards.


How to Enter:


Email one brochure per agency and the  Consent Form  to  contest@nationalrtap.org  or mail it to National RTAP, Attn: Liz Taylor, 5 Wheeling Ave, Woburn, MA 01801.


If submitting via email, please include your transit agency name or acronym in the file name.



The deadline is July 31, 2017 . Winners will be announced in August. 



Submissions will be judged by:



  • Passenger information provided
  • Clarity
  • Visual quality
  • Overall user-friendliness


One of the letter-sized passenger guide templates for a fixed route service, as provided in the Marketing Toolkit here, is shown on the right. 



Download the Consent Form and submit your brochure today!


2017 Contest Rules and Conditions:

By submitting your transit agency’s passenger guide or brochure for this contest, you are granting permission to National RTAP to display it on its current and future websites, Facebook page, at the 2017 Technical Assistance Conference, and similar situations.

National RTAP requires that you have consent from any individuals who are identifiable in your brochure to use their image (though you do not have to provide National RTAP with that consent).

National RTAP also requires a signature from the General Manager of the transit agency on the Consent Form, if submitted by another staff member.

Prizes awarded will go to the transit agency.

If you have any questions, contact us at contest@nationalrtap.org, 888-589-6821 or via chat.

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