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Easter Seals Project ACTION Releases Glossary and Toolkits Page

support • August 23, 2013

Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) recently released a handy guide to disability and other transit words, the  Glossary of Disability and Transit Terms.

This is an excellent resource that explains complex transit terms for easy understanding. While focusing on concepts relating to passengers with disabilities, terms such as demand-response, transit, fixed-route, and code of federal regulations are all defined.

ESPA also created an easy-to-use webpage for their  online toolkits. Current toolkits include travel instruction, veterans transportation, and self-advocacy in transportation.

- See more at: http://www.nationalrtap.org/Admin/AllNews/tabid/10396/token/detail/nid/145/Default.aspx#sthash.fyR4urD2.dpuf

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