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National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) Announces the Release of its Newest Online Toolkit, the ADA Toolkit

support • May 27, 2014

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) Announces the Release of its Newest Online Toolkit, the ADA Toolkit


May 2014, Woburn, MA – National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) announces the release of a new online toolkit, ADA Toolkit.   
The ADA Toolkit is an expansion of the ADA section of the Transit Manager’s Toolkit, and it is designed to give transit managers information about what they are required to do, based on the service they provide, under ADA regulations.  The toolkit contains links to the ADA regulations, as well as a variety of helpful resources.  It also highlights new topics and developments that relate to the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

The ADA Toolkit addresses the following topics:


  • New Developments
  • ADA Requirements by service type- fixed, demand response and deviated route/flexible
  • ADA Complementary Paratransit
  • Physical Standards- vehicles and facilities
  • Mobility Device Rule Change
  • Service Animals
  • Customer Service and Sensitivity
  • Public Meetings and Outreach
  • Rider Information
  • Resources- FTA circulars and guidance, guides and publications, reports, websites, and training options



Patti Monahan, Executive Director of National RTAP, says: “If you are a transit manager who has ever received questions about stop announcements, service animals or paratransit eligibility, you can turn to this toolkit to find resources and information about the ADA regulations that apply to your agency.” 




You can view the toolkit here .



National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by the Neponset Valley Transportation Management Association and serves as the national arm for the Rural Transit Assistance Program. The mission of National RTAP is to improve mobility in all rural, small urban and tribal communities across the country through technical assistance. Since its inception in 1987 National RTAP has developed and distributed training materials, provided technical assistance, generated reports, published best practices, conducted research and offered Peer Assistance with the goal of improved mobility for the millions of Americans living in communities with populations under 50,000.


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For more information about this product, please contact Shannon Greenwell at 781-404-5013 or sgreenwell@nationalrtap.org.


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