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National RTAP Announces the Solicitation of Applications for Technical Assistance

support • January 30, 2015

National RTAP is soliciting technical assistance projects from rural and tribal transportation programs. 

We are interested in providing technical assistance to help you comply with federal regulations and build your system’s capacity to respond to the needs in your community operationally or administratively.  We are particularly interested in identifying best practices for rural and tribal transportation systems that we can share with your colleagues nationally. MAP-21 and the requirements for safety and asset management, Title VI, as well as existing coordinated planning, drug and alcohol testing, driver training, Ladders of Opportunity goals, and increasing customer expectations are areas for which we would like to help you step up your game.

In this round, we are looking for small to medium size projects with an equivalent dollar value of between $25,000 and $50,000, with the expectation of choosing two to three technical assistance projects. 

Please submit your preliminary application via this link: Submissions have closed .

The online application is set-up so that you can access your application multiple times until the application is finished.  However, once you start your application, in order to be able to retrieve your application to finish it, you MUST go to the end of the application and click the SUBMIT button. To return to the application to complete it, click the initial link above.

Requested data includes: statistics on your service area (population, unemployment rate, median and mean household income, poverty rate, percent of seniors), details on transportation services, type of technical assistance you require, and information on other potential funding sources.  All applications are due at 12:00 PM EST on Friday February 27, 2015. 

If you have any questions, please contact Robin Phillips, National RTAP Executive Director, at  rphillips@nationalrtap.org , 781-697-7194 (work cell), or 202-780-4595 (office).

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