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National RTAP Announces 2016 Rural and Tribal Transit Photo Contest

support • June 7, 2016

5/13/16, Woburn, MA - The theme of National RTAP’s 2016 Photo Contest is  Rides to _________: What is public transit used for?   Photos should reflect the ways public transit is utilized in your community, including the following suggestions:

  • Rides to wellness/healthcare
  • Rides to work
  • Rides to school
  • Rides to shopping/groceries
  • Rides to recreation
  • Rides for socialization on the bus!

To view photo submissions from previous contests, visit our  Facebook page.

Grand Prize: Olympus TG-4 Waterproof 16 MP Digital Camera

The newest in the Olympus TG series, this camera is wifi and GPS-enabled, and is designed to handle extreme outdoor conditions, including falling, freezing and water.

Runner-Up: $250 American Express Gift Check 

Photos will be judged by:

  • Creativity
  • Composition
  • Technical quality
  • Impression

All photos (in digital format) and photo consent release forms should be submitted to  contest@nationalrtap.org   no later than  July 15, 2016 ( extended to July 29) .  Winners will be announced in late summer. For more information, contact Neil Rodriguez

Download  the press release and consent form and submit your photo today!

Official National RTAP 2016 Contest Rules and Conditions:

Photos entered into the contest must be entered by the photographer.  Photos may be submitted on behalf of a transit agency, but only with the written consent of the photographer.

Photos must be digital submissions with a resolution of 3 megapixels or higher and may be black and white, or color.

Computers shall not be used to modify or majorly enhance photos.  Traditional editing such as cropping, red eye removal, and slight retouching will be permitted; however, photos with major enhancements and/or ‘Photoshopping’ of images will be disqualified.

All identifiable persons in the submitted photo(s) must each give written consent to their inclusion , and must not be identifiable by name in the photo (e.g. last name on their clothing).  Each person whose photo is submitted to the contest must complete the photo consent release form.  Please see attached photo consent release form.   All signed photo consent release forms MUST be included with photo submissions.  By the contest close date, photos submitted without all required consent forms will not be considered.

Limit of 2 photos per entrant.

The submission(s) MUST include the following information:

  • Title on each photo (not “untitled” or “photo 1”)
  • List of all photo edits
  • Photo consent release forms for the photographer and for all identifiable persons in photos.

All entrants grant National RTAP permission to post their submission on National RTAP’s website, or to use it in National RTAP’s current and/or future publications or marketing materials. Submissions will not be returned. Any submission which does not meet the above criteria will not be considered.

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