Hours of Operation:

Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Directory of Trainers

Directory of Trainers

Directory of Trainers

The purpose of this Directory is to connect transit programs looking to hire a trainer with trainers available for hire. Trainers listed have provided their information voluntarily. Trainers who wish to be added can email info@nationalrtap.org with your contact information, training topics, and training region. 

Note to trainers: A listing in our Directory of Trainers does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by National RTAP, nor can you list yourself elsewhere as a “National RTAP Trainer” just because you have been listed in the directory. The Directory is a complimentary service for those seeking trainers-for-hire on rural and tribal transit topics. Also, our Directory of RTAP Managers should only be used by individuals seeking training or technical assistance from their RTAP, and we ask that trainers refrain from using it to canvass for training jobs for themselves.

If you're looking for a trainer in your region, filter within the Directory by FTA Region. To find out your FTA Region, view this map on FTA's website

You may also be interested in the training offered by the organizations listed below. Additionally, you might want to contact your state RTAP manager, local fire department, and neighboring transportation providers regarding training opportunities. NOTE: this is not an exhaustive list and some training may involve a fee. None of the trainers or organizations listed here have been specifically endorsed by National RTAP. 

Updated February 2, 2023

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