The purpose of this Directory is to connect transit programs looking to hire a trainer with trainers available for hire. Trainers listed have provided their information voluntarily. Trainers who wish to be added can email with your contact information, training topics, and training region.
Note to trainers: A listing in our Directory of Trainers does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by National RTAP, nor can you list yourself elsewhere as a “National RTAP Trainer” just because you have been listed in the directory. The Directory is a complimentary service for those seeking trainers-for-hire on rural and tribal transit topics. Also, our Directory of RTAP Managers should only be used by individuals seeking training or technical assistance from their RTAP, and we ask that trainers refrain from using it to canvass for training jobs for themselves.
If you're looking for a trainer in your region, filter within the Directory by FTA Region. To find out your FTA Region, view this map on FTA's website.
You may also be interested in the training offered by the organizations listed below. Additionally, you might want to contact your state RTAP manager, local fire department, and neighboring transportation providers regarding training opportunities.
NOTE: this is not an exhaustive list and some training may involve a fee. None of the trainers or organizations listed here have been specifically endorsed by National RTAP.
Updated February 2, 2023
" National RTAP offers one-stop shopping for rural and tribal transit technical assistance products and services. Call, email, or chat with us and if we can’t help with your request, we’ll connect you with someone who can! "
" You go above and beyond and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it so much and always enjoy my time with you. The presentations give me so much to bring back to my agency and my subrecipients. "
" I always used the CASE (Copy And Steal Everything) method to develop training materials until I discovered RTAP. They give it to you for free. Use it! "
" National RTAP provides an essential service to rural and small transit agencies. The products are provided at no cost and help agencies maximize their resources and ensure that their employees are trained in all aspects of passenger service. "
" We were able to deploy online trip planning for Glasgow Transit in less than
90 days using GTFS Builder. Trip planning information displays in a riders'
native language, which supports gencies in travel training and meeting Title VI
mandates. "
" Having a tool like GTFS Builder is really light years ahead of what it used to be at one time in terms of how fast you can put everything together. Our university students really can't imagine transit without it, so I think it's very important for us in terms of attracting that particular demographic. "
" In the past we used proprietary database software that was very challenging, very murky, and hard to update. GTFS Builder is a great opportunity to make this more user-friendly, more readily updatable and it
would enable us to show how to create a GTFS to more of the staff. "
" Collaboration is a buzz word these days in the industry. On behalf of our Tribal segment, I appreciate RTAP for making Tribes a partner in industry opportunities. The organization goes over and beyond reaching partners one would not expect in a busy industry such as public transportation. Thank you for your tireless efforts! "
"We are so very thankful for all your transportation training materials. Your resources are as valuable as gold!"
A program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by the Neponset Valley TMA
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by National RTAP |