Hours of Operation:

Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Request Assistance

Request Technical or Peer Assistance

Are you struggling with a rural or tribal transit issue and want to talk to your peers about their experience? Are you looking for templates or examples, so you don't have to recreate the wheel at your agency? National RTAP's Peer Assistance Network can help connect you with a peer in the industry who has knowledge or experience to share. 

Depending on the issue and the availability of the peer, assistance may include: email, phone consultation, a face-to-face meeting, document review, or sharing resources or templates. National RTAP staff will facilitate as needed. 

If you're interested in using the Peer Network for any issues or questions you have, submit the form below or contact us at info@nationalrtap.org, 888-589-6821, or via chat. National RTAP staff will be in touch with you to get a better idea of the assistance you need and then connect you with an appropriate peer. 

You may also request direct technical assistance from National RTAP staff.

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