Welcome to the Bus Roadeo Toolkit. This online toolkit and video were created to help transit agencies, transit associations, non-profit social services agencies, and state Departments of Transportation (DOT) plan for and implement a bus roadeo and ensure consistent judging of contestants as they travel through the obstacle course. A bus roadeo is great for teambuilding, improving morale, and promoting safety. It also enables drivers to show their skills and network with other people in the transit industry, and may result in your drivers competing at the national level.
The Connecticut Roadeo was used as the model in the development of this toolkit. If you are a small operator and only want to conduct a bus roadeo with your drivers, you could review sections of the toolkit to determine the information you need for a successful event.
National RTAP staff would like to thank the following work group members listed below (all current or recent Review Board members) as well as Connecticut DOT, CT Transit, Arizona DOT, James Holman, North Carolina DOT, North Carolina Transit Association, American Public Transportation Association and the Community Transportation Association of America, whose expertise and experience helped shape the development of this toolkit:
The toolkit has been divided into three sections: Work Group, Tasks and Budget. We have also included a video, “Bus Roadeo Basics,” that was filmed during the roadeo held in Connecticut on June 9, 2013. You can view the video in its entirety or by segment. The video provides details on set-up and judging of ten common obstacles and other non-obstacle course items that the contestant is judged on. For each obstacle presented, you will view the obstacle design, how to judge the obstacle, and scoring a contestant. Your drivers may also find value in viewing the video to better understand the obstacles and how the contestants are judged and scored. In addition, we have created an Excel file that can be used to compile the driver score sheets at an event.
To view the topics that are included in each section of the toolkit, please see the table of contents in the left toolbar. If you would like a PDF or printed version of the content or the Bus Roadeo Basics video on a DVD, you can order it through the National RTAP Resource Library or contact us at info@nationalrtap.org.
You can’t do it alone. Depending on the size of your bus roadeo, there are a number of tasks that have to be completed in advance of the roadeo and you will need help. It’s best to have a work group who oversees sub-work groups. For example, a member of the main work group would oversee judging and have a sub-work group who registers judges, assigns locations, train judges, creates judging packets, etc. The main working group should decide on a timeline for the tasks, schedule of meetings (pre-and post-roadeo), and location.
The next section on Tasks will help you decide what you need for work and sub-work groups. Members of the working group can be staff from the transit agency or agencies, transit associations, state DOT staff, non-profit social service agencies and/or other interested parties. You also need to select a person to be the Course Marshal or the person in charge of the roadeo-day of the event activities. After the event, the working group should have a wrap-up meeting to review the event and make recommendations for improvements.
There are a number of tasks that need to be accomplished pre-, during, and post-roadeo. A comprehensive list of tasks is provided below. However, not all tasks may be relevant to the type of bus roadeo you are conducting. Within the list of tasks are downloadable pdf or Excel files that you can save to your computer and/or print for your own usage. The list provided below is not in any priority order and is a suggested list. Your agency may decide to pick and choose what tasks need to be completed in order to have a successful bus roadeo.
Communication with transit agencies – It’s not a roadeo without contestants. You have to communicate with the various transit agencies whose drivers may want to participate in the event. This initial communication can be sent via email or regular mail and should include information about the event, timelines, registration information, eligibility information and posters to be displayed at the transit agency to inform drivers, potential judges and volunteers about the event and event deadlines. This should be initiated about two and half months before the event. Of course it does not stop after the initial announcement. You will be sending reminders to make sure you receive a good representation of drivers. To make the process more efficient, a main contact person at the transit agency should be designated to ensure clear communication between the working group and the transit agency.
Enlisting judges – The ideal situation is to have at least one experienced judge and a less experienced judge at each obstacle with a few back-up people in case judges do not show up on the day of the event. Judges could be DOT staff, staff from the transit association, transit agency staff and other volunteers such as staff from human service and non-profit agencies.
Sponsorships – A great way of reducing costs is to have sponsors provide in-kind services or financial assistance. There are a number of items listed in the budget that could be paid for or provided in-kind by a sponsor. For example, your local department of public works may have barrels and traffic cones that could be used on the obstacle course. Another example is the local police, state police or sheriff’s department volunteering to provide a safety/community liaison officer with a speed detection device.
Prizes for contestants and winners – The giveaway items could include baseball caps, shirts or some other item to commemorate the day and plaques for the winners.
Securing equipment - This group would also be tasked with securing equipment such as transit vehicles, computer equipment, tent, chairs and tables. A full list of items to have on hand is listed here.
Participant eligibility standards – You will want to make sure your eligibility standards meet the standards of the national roadeo (APTA and CTAA) so that the winners are able to compete in those events:
The eligibility standards should be included in the initial mailings to the participating transit agencies and as part of the registration form. Click here for a list of suggested eligibility criteria.
Develop mechanism to register – An online registration process is the most convenient way to register drivers, judges and volunteers. This will also make it easier to build the database of contestants, judges and volunteers. You can do this using a free online survey application like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang or Surveygizmo. Ultimately, you will be downloading the information into a spreadsheet or word document to create lists of contestants, start times, judge assignments, name tags, etc. It may be more convenient if you have the transit agency’s main contact complete the registration form for each driver.
For a list of items to be included in the registration forms click here.
Registration fee – In some states a registration fee is charged. In the case of Connecticut, contestants were charged a registration fee of $75. A guide to estimating the registration fee could be approximately 10 percent of the overall roadeo budget. The toolkit includes a budget sheet that will help estimate a registration fee if your organization decides to charge one.
Click here for the budget sheet.
Assign starting times – The spreadsheet created during registration can be used to help assign starting times. Ideally, there should be three vehicles on the course at one time in order to move things along. A typical course takes about 7 minutes to complete. Releasing vehicles every 5 minutes should be adequate. Click here for starting time sheets.
Check in judges on the day of the event – The registration spreadsheet can be used to create name tags, assign judges to obstacles and help check judges in on the day of event. The judges should be at the event at least one hour before the event so that they can check in, receive instructions for judging and familiarize themselves with the specific obstacle and the overall course. This will also give the person overseeing the judges time to fill-in positions if judges do not show up. When judges check in, they should receive a safety vest, a judge’s packet and, if available, a commemorative item (e.g., baseball cap/shirt). Click here for a list of information to be included in the judges and contestant packet. A sample of the Connecticut Guide for Contestants and Judges is available here.
Check in contestants on the day of the event – As with the judges, the spreadsheet created during registration can be used to check the contestants in and provide name tags. At check-in, contestants are assigned their starting times and provided a contestant’s packet. Contestants should also arrive at least one hour before the event regardless of their starting time. If they do not register an hour before the event they may be scratched. In most cases, transit agencies are allowed to have one alternate contestant.
Secure course location – It is important to secure the location for the event well in advance of the event. Once you have secured the location you will be able to develop the course specifications. Typical locations have included Park and Ride lots, large parking areas at conference centers, industrial parks, sports arenas and municipal parking lots. At the Connecticut roadeo, a Park and Ride lot was used. This lot measured 333’ by 195’ or approximately 65,000 sf, for the cutaway vehicle category. You will also need space for automobile parking and spectator area. You may want to get a Special Event Liability policy to cover your agency.
Develop course specifications – This toolkit includes a rough layout of a course with 10 obstacles. Actual location and sequence of obstacles will depend on the dimensions of the lot. You will have to decide which obstacles are to be used and the sequence of how the obstacles are to be laid out. To assist with the layout of each obstacle, the North Carolina DOT and North Carolina Transit Association provided us with measurements for each obstacle. Click here for the measurement sheets. We suggest laying out the course in advance of the event in case adjustments are needed and to test timing. In laying out the course you will need one vehicle, approximately twelve cones, a can of spray paint and a tape measure. Set up each obstacle starting at the beginning of the course. Once the obstacle is set-up, spray the corners of each cone so that cones can be placed on the day of the event and then move on to the next obstacle. In some cases, the course is set-up one day in advance. This will depend on the availability of the location. Completing the course set-up on the day before the event will make the day of the event much easier and enable you to have a day of practice.
Secure equipment for obstacles – We have provided a suggested list of equipment you will need to build a course of 10 obstacles as shown in the rough layout referenced above. Click here for a list of equipment and other items you will need.
Set-up course – As recommended in this toolkit, you will find setting up the course the day before the event will make the day of the event run smoother. In the case of Connecticut, Saturday was set-up and practice day. Transit agencies were assigned 30-minute segments for practice. Some locations may choose to not have the drivers practice or see the course until the day of the event. In any case it may be wise to have security at the location overnight to prevent drivers walking or driving the course and just for security reasons so that none of the equipment is removed.
Secure and inspect vehicles – Vehicles are typically provided by the transit agency(ies). The working group should check to see if additional vehicle insurance is needed because non-transit agency employees will be driving the vehicles. The vehicles will need to be inspected to ensure all vehicles are in good working order. Inspection of the vehicles should occur the day before or early on the day of the event. Depending on the number of contestants and whether you will have contestants conduct a vehicle inspection, you will need three to four vehicles for each vehicle category- three vehicles for the competition and one spare vehicle. Try to get similar makes and models of vehicles.
Register judges – Registering judges is covered in the registration section of this toolkit. You may want to have a committee specific to judging. While another committee may be doing registration, the Judging committee can monitor registration to ensure that there are enough judges and back-up judges. Each obstacle needs two judges. The registration information will also help with assigning judges to their locations based on the information provided during registration.
Assign locations – A rule of thumb is to have at least one judge per obstacle with judging experience and the second judge with less or no experience. The experienced judge can guide the less-experienced second judge. There are two types of judges:
Training – The judge’s packet provides information about judging. In addition, a walk-through of the course obstacles is also necessary. In Connecticut two techniques were used. The first technique had a trainer walk all of the judges through each obstacle before the competition started. This approach showed the judges the whole course, as well as an individual obstacle. However, this can also be confusing because some of the judges may not hear everything the trainer is stating and may miss the details of judging their assigned location. The second training technique had the trainer come to each obstacle and instruct the two judges assigned to that obstacle. We found the latter to be more effective as long as there is enough time to do the individual instructions.
Judging packet – This packet should include a map of the course, general instructions about the role of the judge and scoring sheets for the obstacle to be judged by the person. Connecticut provided a combination guide for the contestants and the judges so that everyone would be familiar with the roadeo event, the course layout, rules of conduct and scoring. Click here to view a list of items that should be part of the judges packet.
Scoring – It is very important that judges are consistent when scoring contestants and provide an objective evaluation of a contestant’s performance. Listed below are some general rules of thumb and ten obstacles with instructions on how to score each obstacle. Some of the information listed below is taken verbatim, shown in italics, from the Connecticut guidelines. The scoring sheets are also from Connecticut:
Collecting the score sheets – a process should be set-up to collect the score sheets and compile the scores. In the case of Connecticut, a volunteer was used to collect the score sheets. The volunteer used a golf cart type of vehicle to follow the contestant, collect the score sheets and deliver the sheets to the recorder location. In Arizona, volunteers would walk around the course collecting the score sheets.
Compiling the score – The recorder should tally the obstacle and non-obstacle score sheets for each driver. A second person could be used to recheck all scores for accuracy. National RTAP has provided an Excel spreadsheet that could be used to tabulate the scores. The Excel spreadsheet was created so that if there is a tie, the tie could be settled by choosing the contestant who completed the course in the shortest time.
The work group should have a grievance sub-committee to establish procedures in the event a contestant requests a hearing. The process could consist of hearing the contestant’s concerns, questioning of the contestant by the subcommittee, discussion between the sub-committee members and a final decision.
Determine number of attendees – The attendees include drivers, judges, volunteers, guests, etc. This will help when determining the amount of food and beverages, as well as seating, tables, portable toilets, etc. that will be needed.
Determine types of food, beverages and distribution – There are a few options for food such as a bag lunch or barbecue. Make sure there is plenty of water on hand, especially if the weather is predicted to be warm and sunny. It gets very hot on the course during the event. Decide if you are going to provide breakfast and lunch. In some cases, roadeos are held during regional conferences and the food and beverages could be incorporated into the overall conference items. At conferences an awards dinner is typically held as well.
Determine number of awards – Beyond the 1st place winners you may want to provide something for 2nd and 3rd place, best time, rookie award, youngest driver, perfect score at pre-determined difficult obstacles, etc.
Obtain awards – Decide on the type of award(s): plaques that can be added to each year, trophies, printed awards, etc. It’s a good idea to obtain the awards before the roadeo so that you can present the awards during the awards ceremony and then update the information on the award after the event. Paper awards could be printed at the event.
Plan and implement awards ceremony – determine what you want to do for the awards ceremony. If it is a standalone event, the awards ceremony could happen after lunch. At a regional conference an awards dinner could be held.
For smaller venues, clean-up will be done by the volunteers and judges. If you have rented equipment you will want to let your vendors know what time to come to pick-up the equipment so that staff do not have to wait around for the vendor(s) to arrive. If you rent tents, have the vendor include installation and removal as part of the price. If the food vendor provides tables and chairs have them include set-up and removal as part of the price.
For a suggested list of items that you will need for the roadeo event download this Materials and Supplies List.
There are a number of items that you will want to include in your budget. See this suggested List of Budget Items to help you get started. If you are using federal funds to help fund the roadeo, remember that you have federal requirements for procuring items. See the Procurement section of National RTAP's Transit Manager's Toolkit for more information.
Good luck and have fun! If you have questions as you plan your roadeo, contact us at info@nationalrtap.org or 888-589-6821.
Visit the Bus Roadeo Basics Video page and view the video in its entirety or by segment. This video provides details on how to set-up and judge ten common obstacles and other non-obstacle course items that the contestant is judged on.
Updated October 2, 2024
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