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New State RTAP Manager’s Toolkit and Forum Help Managers Run a Successful Program

October 3, 2014

4/23/14-National RTAP has released the online State RTAP Manager’s Toolkit and Forum. The toolkit is a comprehensive guide to setting up and maintaining a state RTAP program, helpful for quick reference and to guide substantial change. State RTAP managers and contractors will also now be able to communicate with each other in a secure, private forum to discuss RTAP program issues, request documents, and share information.

The toolkit begins with the background of the RTAP program, National RTAP, and the status of state RTAP programs over the past 12 years. Whether to outsource a program, as well as seven program components, including training and technical assistance, are discussed, and a detailed list of steps to take when starting a new program are presented. Finally, many sample documents for various RTAP functions are provided, as well as places for RTAP managers to network and find further information.

 “The State RTAP Manager’s Toolkit takes all the guesswork out of administering a successful program for those who are new to managing a state RTAP program,” says RTAP manager Linda Howell of Washington State DOT. “It also supplements the experience of veteran RTAP managers by providing creative ideas for technical assistance that may not have been considered before. From scholarship guidelines to interstate cooperation to marketing, the toolkit provides it all in one place.” 


To use the State RTAP Manager’s Toolkit, visit http://nationalrtap.org/statertapmanager.


The new State RTAP Managers’ Forum will allow RTAP managers to communicate with each other in a central online location to share information and resources. Joining the forum is by invitation only, and RTAP managers who have not received an invitation should contact info@nationalrtap.org or call 888-589-6821.

National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by the Neponset Valley Transportation Management Association and serves as the national arm for the Rural Transit Assistance Program.  The mission of National RTAP is to improve mobility in all rural, small urban and tribal communities across the country through technical assistance.  Since its inception in 1987 National RTAP has developed and distributed training materials, provided technical assistance, generated reports, published best practices, conducted research and offered Peer Assistance with the goal of improved mobility for the millions of Americans living in communities with populations under 50,000.

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