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Announcement of Solicitation for Nominations for National Review Board Members

support • July 29, 2014


July 2014, Woburn, MA—The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP) is soliciting nominations for National Review Board members.   The deadline for submitting nomination forms is August 22, 2014 .



National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that provides training and technical assistance resources to managers of the State RTAP programs and transportation providers in rural and small urban areas, including Tribal lands. Our work is guided by a Review Board composed of representatives of rural and Tribal transit operators and State transit agencies. 



National RTAP has several upcoming vacancies on the National RTAP Review Board. The term of office is for three years beginning in the fall of 2014. At this time, National RTAP is soliciting nominations for three state transit officials and one rural or tribal transit provider. Section 5311 or RTAP managers and representatives of a transit provider that receives 5311 or Tribal Transit Program funds are eligible to be nominated. Any group or individual involved in rural transit is encouraged to nominate a representative to the Board. An individual may also nominate him/herself for consideration. For more information about the responsibilities of Review Board members and the selection process. 



Patti Monahan, Executive Director of National RTAP says, “Membership on the Review Board presents an exciting opportunity to contribute directly to the development of training and technical assistance resources for the rural transit community.” 



The term of office for the new Review Board members is three years beginning in the fall of 2014. The selected Review Board members must be able to attend the Review Board meeting that will be held in Monterey, CA, October 30-31, 2014. The individuals must also be able to attend two official Review Board meetings in each year of their terms (usually in April/May and October). Travel expenses associated with Review Board meetings will be covered by National RTAP.



National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by the Neponset Valley Transportation Management Association and serves as the national arm of the Rural Transit Assistance Program. Since its inception in 1987, National RTAP has developed and distributed training materials, provided technical assistance, generated reports, published best practices, conducted research and offered peer assistance to rural and tribal transit providers, with the goal of improved mobility for the millions of Americans living in communities with populations under 50,000. 


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