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New National RTAP Tech Brief Explains the Benefits and Different Options for Recycling Used Motor Oil

support • August 18, 2014

August 15, 2014

Wondering what to do with the used oil from your vehicles? Recycling it helps protect the environment and makes business sense, too. National RTAP's newest technical brief, Used Oil Recycling: Getting Extra Mileage Out of Your Motor Oil, gives you the information you need to start recycling your used oil today.


This new resource from National RTAP includes the different options for recycling used oil, important regulatory information, and two examples of transportation providers who recently started burning their used oil for heat. Compiling the information that you need to know, from basic used oil facts to EPA guidelines for how to handle leaks and spills, this new tech brief is a helpful resource for maintenance facilities. A glossary and list of useful links, references, and regulations is also provided.


Click to download your copy of Used Oil Recycling: Getting Extra Mileage Out of Your Motor Oil today. This technical brief is also available for download in our online Resource Library at www.nationalrtap.org. If you would like printed copies, please call us at 888-589-6821 or email info@nationalrtap.org. All National RTAP materials are free of charge.


National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by the Neponset Valley Transportation Management Association and serves as the national arm for the Rural Transit Assistance Program. The mission of National RTAP is to improve mobility in all rural, small urban and tribal communities across the country through technical assistance. Since its inception in 1987 National RTAP has developed and distributed training materials, provided technical assistance, generated reports, published best practices, conducted research and offered Peer Assistance with the goal of improved mobility for the millions of Americans living in communities with populations under 50,000.



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