The Community Rides Grant Program offered current recipients and sub-recipients of FTA's Section 5311 and Tribal Transit Programs the opportunity to apply for grant awards of up to $100,000 for projects that develop or strengthen transportation partnerships that improve social determinants of health in rural and tribal communities. Projects focused on increasing access to critical needs like employment, healthcare, education, healthy food, or social services, as well as build the capacity of transit programs. For details, see the Request for Proposals released in 2021.
In addition, two webinars were held to describe the program and to highlight partnership examples and tips for successful projects - including Flint Michigan's Rides to Wellness Program, HIRTA Public Transit in Iowa's local partnerships, and Big Woods Transit in Minnesota's innovative strategies to meet community needs.
Community Rides Grant Project Outcomes and Lessons Learned -
Webinar Recording |
Program Overview and Transportation Partnership Examples - Webinar Recording | PowerPoint
Project Development, Performance Measures, and Application Portal Overview - Webinar Recording | PowerPoint
The results of many of the projects are shared below in the form of a final report and a PowerPoint slide deck for each grantee, in alphabetical order by state. Click the name of the grantee or the arrow to expand the window.
You can also see the location of the 19 grantees in the interactive map to the right.
The vast majority of the projects resulted in expanded service that is being sustained after the grant term through Section 5311 or another funding source. As of April 2024, one year after the grants concluded, 16 of the 19 projects have sustained their services or initiatives.
One key takeaway was the need for funds and support to be able to prove the demand and viability for a service in order to get consistent funding. Another takeaway is the value of local partnerships and advocates as well as peer information and support.
Expanded demand response service area and hours in a very rural area with tribal members in the community. Collaborators include a hospital, substance abuse recovery center, community action organization, and domestic violence center, among others.
Conducting stakeholder outreach and developing a plan for a new on-demand service that connects rural communities with services in Fresno, utilizing new technology and electric vehicles. Project collaborators include a social services organization and healthcare providers.
New and/or expanded transit service in counties with little to no public transit currently, involving mobility management, coordinated planning, and on-demand technology. Project collaborators include healthcare providers, substance abuse recovery centers, and employers, among others.
Expanded transit service and hours in a very rural area, with transit service during the day and night and weekend service using transit agency vehicles and volunteer drivers. Project collaborators include hospitals, the veterans' bureau, and community organizations.
Implementing new technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transit operations, specifically the scheduling of healthcare related trips and coordinating with medical centers. Project partners include a senior services organization and local hospital.
New coordinated transportation program utilizing technology, involving transit and healthcare providers and area agencies on aging in a nine-county region. The focus is on health-supportive trips.
New microtransit service to access grocery stores and a food delivery service in an area with high poverty and limited access to healthy food. Collaborators include a rural transit technology company, university, various grocery stores, and a local non-profit organization.
New transit routes as well as expanded hours for existing routes to improve access to healthcare providers, grocery shopping and more. Partners include two local medical centers as well as multiple dental practices.
New transit service into Knox County, currently without any public transit, to be provided by the neighboring county's transit system and with support from the state DOT. Healthcare providers and area agencies on aging are among the partners.
Technology implementation and partner coordination to optimize a volunteer driver program and improve access to health supportive destinations. Partners include a volunteer transportation center, area agencies on aging, a social services organization and county planning department.
New employment, healthcare, and recreation focused route to a county currently not serviced by the transit agency, working with a workforce organization, among others.
New fixed route in an area with only demand response during limited weekday hours, to increase mobility and access and prevent people from having to walk long distances on a dangerous highway. Collaborators include the city and county, a health-focused non-profit, and a large local employer.
New transit service in an area without public transit, with a focus on transportation to health-supportive destinations. Partners include the county, state DOT, and healthcare providers.
Implementing new technology to improve coordination and the efficiency of transit operations to increase and improve service. The three partners are transit agencies and will also be working with healthcare centers and local organizations that work with veterans and tribes.
Improving transit information, marketing, community feedback, and trip planning capacity to increase awareness of existing transit services and improve the ease-of-use for riders. Partners include a local university and a charitable foundation.
New transit service in an area without public transit, provided by the transit agency of a neighboring county. The service will provide access from smaller communities to the county seat for access to healthcare, shopping, and jobs, and the partners include a hospital and nursing home.
New transit service targeted to students, with numerous partners including colleges and other educational institutions in the region, as well as county governments.
Interstate route providing regional connectivity and increased access to jobs and medical care, with collaboration between a senior organization and transit agency in a neighboring state.
New vanpool to a large employer in the area, which is one of the project partners and one of the only manufacturers in the area to express a desire to hire individuals with a criminal record. Another partner is the local county sheriff's office which runs a work release program. Will be open to the public.
Updated 10/12/23
" National RTAP offers one-stop shopping for rural and tribal transit technical assistance products and services. Call, email, or chat with us and if we can’t help with your request, we’ll connect you with someone who can! "
" You go above and beyond and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it so much and always enjoy my time with you. The presentations give me so much to bring back to my agency and my subrecipients. "
" I always used the CASE (Copy And Steal Everything) method to develop training materials until I discovered RTAP. They give it to you for free. Use it! "
" National RTAP provides an essential service to rural and small transit agencies. The products are provided at no cost and help agencies maximize their resources and ensure that their employees are trained in all aspects of passenger service. "
" We were able to deploy online trip planning for Glasgow Transit in less than
90 days using GTFS Builder. Trip planning information displays in a riders'
native language, which supports gencies in travel training and meeting Title VI
mandates. "
" Having a tool like GTFS Builder is really light years ahead of what it used to be at one time in terms of how fast you can put everything together. Our university students really can't imagine transit without it, so I think it's very important for us in terms of attracting that particular demographic. "
" In the past we used proprietary database software that was very challenging, very murky, and hard to update. GTFS Builder is a great opportunity to make this more user-friendly, more readily updatable and it
would enable us to show how to create a GTFS to more of the staff. "
" Collaboration is a buzz word these days in the industry. On behalf of our Tribal segment, I appreciate RTAP for making Tribes a partner in industry opportunities. The organization goes over and beyond reaching partners one would not expect in a busy industry such as public transportation. Thank you for your tireless efforts! "
"We are so very thankful for all your transportation training materials. Your resources are as valuable as gold!"
A program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by the Neponset Valley TMA
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