Hours of Operation:

Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

2021 Pre-RIBTC Training

2021 Rural & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference and Preconference Training

The Preconference Training of the 2021 Rural & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference (RIBTC) was hosted by National RTAP. Developed with the TRB-convened RIBTC agenda in mind, the workshops focused on operations and applying best practices gleaned from research. Preconference Training was free and open to all.

The workshop PPTs are available and the recordings will be available soon. If you need to access the recordings sooner, email executivedirector@nationalrtap.org.

Topics included: diversity, state management reviews, tribal transit, procurement, grant writing, construction projects, GTFS, scheduling and dispatching, bus procurement, and financial management. 

National RTAP was proud to be a sponsor of the Transportation Research Board's 24th National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation in October 2021.

"This award is presented to all rural frontline transit heroes that unselfishly provided and continue to provide essential transportation services during the COVID-19 Pandemic. When everything else stopped, our rural transit frontline heroes showed up to work every day regardless of the risk to their well-being and safety to serve the public. This award recognizes them for the heroes that they are. Congratulations and thank you!"

Robbie Sarles, RLS & Associates, Nominator

Rural Mobility Champion Award Tribute to Frontline Heroes

As part of this year’s virtual Rural and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference, we featured a “Tribute to Our Frontline Heroes” to recognize the commitment of ALL transit workers who provided essential transportation during the pandemic.

For this tribute, we solicited photos, videos, and stories. It's not too late to submit a tribute and recognize your Frontline Heroes, even though the RIBTC conference has passed!

The Committee also invites you to celebrate your staff by requesting buttons and downloading a “Frontline Hero” Certificate to recognize individuals or your entire Agency.

Recognize a Hero

FTA Administrator's Connecting Rural Communities Awards

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) solicited nominations of rural transit systems to be considered for these awards, which were presented during RIBTC on Tuesday, October 26, 12:30-2:30 PM ET.
The nominations were due September 24, 2021.

Learn more about the awards
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