Hours of Operation:

Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Student Posters

Visitors to the Student Poster Session

Student Posters

Students planning a career in the field of rural or tribal transit and have performed research to were invited to share their original study on transportation with top industry leaders at the 5th National RTAP Conference: Navigating the Tides of Change with Rural & Tribal Transit, held in Myrtle Beach, SC, on December 3, 2023.  The winning posters, along with additional posters, were showcased at the Conference Student Poster Session on December 3, 2023.  This year, there was a tie for first place.

Visitors to the Student Poster Session

Students planning a career in the field of rural or tribal transit and have performed research to were invited to share their original study on transportation with top industry leaders at the 5th National RTAP Conference: Navigating the Tides of Change with Rural & Tribal Transit, held in Myrtle Beach, SC, on December 3, 2023.  The winning posters, along with additional posters, were showcased at the Conference Student Poster Session on December 3, 2023.  This year, there was a tie for first place.

Congratulations to all the students for their excellent work!

1st place

Tatum Thomas, Modesty Pernett, UMass Amherst

Sidewalk Connectivity and Condition in Rural Transit Networks

1st place

Alexandria Lowery, San Jose State University

Sustaining Zero-Fare Transit in Rural and Tribal Communities

2nd place

Naomi Gross & Erika Teetsel, Boston University School of Public Health

Manufactured Housing: Healthy Homes & Unintended Consequences of Transit Oriented Development in Massachusetts

3rd Place

Janson Busby, DePaul University

Changes in Connectivity: An Analysis of Bus Service, 1980 vs. 2023

Additional Poster

Tate Coleman, UMass Amherst

Data-Driven Approaches for Capital Transit Planning

(download poster and open in Adobe Acrobat)

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