This section of the Transit Manager’s Toolkit discusses the importance of a transit organization’s mission, vision, and values. It also provides an introduction to working with a transit board. The section is organized in the following subsections:
Transit leaders need to have the values and vision of their agency clearly identified in their mission statement. This mission statement should express the core values that drive strategic planning of the organization.
The vision is the long-term role the transit manager sees the organization playing in the community. This vision can change as an organization grows and re-evaluates its purpose. A transit manager should promote a vision for the organization based on values shared by the management, staff, and the community. Without a vision and mission statement, it will be difficult to provide appropriate services, develop employee skills, and measure the success of the organization.
The organization’s mission and vision drive strategic planning, service planning, and long-range planning. The performance and behavior of the agency’s employees should be also related to the mission and vision. The transit manager may also wish to establish written organizational values, principles, and beliefs that guide organizational behavior.
The mission statement describes what the organization does for the community and should always align with the vision of the organization.
If an organization does not have a written vision and mission statement, this is an opportunity to establish both statements through a collective process. Vision and mission statements should be reviewed periodically to ensure they still align with the services the agency provides.
The process of creating a mission statement should be collaborative, but the writing of the statement should be led by one person. The following are characteristics of a strong mission statement:
Mission statements should be reviewed for their effectiveness and validity. Keep these questions in mind:
Consider reviewing the vision and mission statements of other transit systems, and then getting input from employees. A table at the end of this page shows examples of rural, tribal, and small urban transit systems’ vision and mission statements.
As discussed in the Leading the Rural Transit Agency technical brief, values are the core beliefs and principles that guide the organization, enabling the organization to realize its vision and its mission. The agency’s vision, mission and values give the transit agency, its employees, and the community a compass and a guiding star.
The following is excerpted from “Mission & Values: Meaningful Words,” written by Michael Noel and published in Community Transportation magazine by the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA), Expo 2004, Vol. 22 No. 4, pages 12-14, used with permission from CTAA.
The more often organizational leaders talk about the mission, the more it influences the decisions and behavior of the organization. While much has been written about the writing of mission statements, the more important question is how are these words used after they’re posted on the wall or the official letterhead? At the Area Transportation Authority of North Central Pennsylvania (ATA), a Board-Staff Retreat is held each year to review the previous year and plan out the future. Item One on the agenda is “The Review and Reaffirmation of the ATA Mission.” The lesson gained from this activity is that the mission should serve the organization. It should define and guide the organization’s decisions made about service, fares, purchases and employee behavior. Also, I know that team-centered organizations, those who engage front-line employees in the development of mission and values, get great buy-in from everybody.
See the Human Resources section of the Toolkit for an example of an employee performance code, excerpted from the same article, that resulted from discussing values, rather than rules, as a way to both simplify what is expected from employees and how they conduct themselves.
Vision and mission statements should be shared with the staff and community. If this is not done, staff members may not be aware of the common goals of the organization, and the community will not have accurate expectations of the services that the organization can provide. As a best practice, the vision and mission statements should be developed and periodically updated with input from employees.
Vision and mission statements should be considered when establishing professional development programs and employee performance goals. Each milestone should directly support the mission of the organization while developing the skills of the employee. As an organization serves new populations, provides new services, and implements new technologies, employees’ training and milestones should reflect these changes and give them the tools necessary to succeed. The success of the organization is dependent on each employee reaching their full potential in the workplace. Employee behaviors and performance can be tied to the organization’s mission and values.
To learn more about vision and mission statements and communicating this information to transit system staff, see National RTAP’s
Leading the Rural Transit Agency technical brief and
Roles and Responsibilities of Transit Managers.
There is also valuable information on mission and leadership in these National RTAP technical briefs:
A transit manager typically has direct contact with both governing and advisory boards. It is important to understand the role that each type of board plays within the organization.
There are generally two types of transit agency boards, each providing valuable service in different capacities. Many transportation organizations receive direction from one or both types of boards: advisory and governing. While both types of boards provide valuable and meaningful service to their organizations, their respective roles must be thoroughly understood both internally and externally.
Advisory boards typically are made up of stakeholders in the community that care about the services provided by the transportation organization. The make-up usually is representative of the various target audiences and actual riders of the organization. The advisory board seldom has legal or fiduciary responsibility for the organization. They provide input into the service, quality and design, often as either consumers or as a representative of a consumer group (such as older adults, people with low income, people with disabilities, specific neighborhoods, etc.), which challenge the organization to be more sensitive to their needs or more aware of service improvements the organization may want to consider.
Members of advisory boards are generally varied in age, gender and professional background, but come together due to a shared interest in the service the organization provides. Under the U.S. DOT implementing regulations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, an agency is required to make all efforts to ensure the board is a reflection of the demographics of the community served, and no one can deny board participation based on race, color or national origin. An advisory board rarely has legal or fiduciary responsibility for the organization, but they do provide input on how the organization can better serve the community. FTA Title VI requirements related to minority representation on transit-related, non-elected planning boards, advisory councils or committees, or similar committees can be found in Chapter 3 and Appendix F of FTA Circular 4702.1B, Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients.
Governing Boards represent and are the legal entity of the transportation organization. Members are normally elected or appointed to specific terms (such as 2-5 years). This type of board has the legal and fiduciary responsibility of the organization. The governing board would be the entity that creates organizational policy, approves budgets, monitors performance (operationally and fiscally), and enters into legal and binding contracts. Unlike the advisory board, the governing board members have the authority to give the final opinion on matters concerning the organization.
For rural transit agencies that are part of a local government, the governing board is typically an elected body. For a county or municipality, this would be the elected governing board, such the council or board of commissioners. The governing board of a regional transit authority or district is often comprised of elected officials from each city or county that belongs to the authority/district. Governance structures of different types of public bodies vary by state and organization type. For a tribal transit agency, tribal leadership, such as a tribal council, would be the governing body.
Appointed (non-elected) governing boards are common for rural transit agencies that are nonprofit organizations. Members of appointed governing boards often are chosen for their professional expertise in business, government, legal, or fiscal venues.
In general, advisory boards have a significant role in representing the consumer, while governing boards need to ensure that policy, finance, and service performance are delivered in a business-like method that insures long-term stability. When these two types of boards work together in supportive roles, the transportation organization matures and improves both in its quality and quantity of service. The following table summarizes the responsibilities of advisory and governing boards.
Boards are generally involved in higher level planning and policy while it is the staff that is responsible for implementation. Although each board will have a unique relationship with its organization, there are four primary roles that a board serves: stewardship, safety concerns, legal concerns, and advocacy.
A benefit of the board is that it is removed from the daily operations of the organization. With this distance, the board is better able to balance the needs of the community with the resources available to the transit system. Because of this ability to balance needs with available resources, boards are involved in maintaining the financial health of the organization. This can include reviewing the organization’s budget and financial statements as well as understanding funding requirements at the local, state, and federal levels. Not only do the numbers need to be checked for accuracy and compliance with funding requirements, but the board should also be evaluating whether the costs and spending align with the organization’s mission statement.
Through coordination with the staff, boards should actively ensure that proper safety measures are in place. This can include assuring safety training for employees, proper vehicle and facility maintenance, and procedures for emergency situations.
As noted above, the governing board is the legal body for the transit program. As such, the members must approve all contracts, labor agreements, personnel policies, etc. If it is a public organization, all board meetings, records, and decisions must be made available to the public under federal and state laws related to transparency in government. Such laws vary from state to state, but typically include having open-door meetings that are advertised to the community.
Board members must be ambassadors of the organization and public transportation throughout the community. A board member should promote public transportation in his/her daily activities speak positively about the organization’s services and be the face of the organization in the community. Each board member should attend board meetings, community meetings and other events where the presence of the organization is needed.
For more information, please see National RTAP’s Boards that Perform training module.
Transit System
AMTRAN, Altoona, PA
(small urban)
To improve the economic well-being and the quality of life of our customers, our community, and our AMTRAN Team through the provision of excellent transportation services.
To be an integral and irreplaceable component of the region’s transportation infrastructure, and an innovative leader in public transportation excellence in Pennsylvania and throughout the USA.
Benzie Bus, Beulah, MI
Benzie Bus connects people of all ages and abilities to our community and promotes independence and prosperity through a safe and convenient public transit system.
Benzie Bus envisions a future in our Benzie County community in which:
COAST, Dover, NH
COAST champions and provides customer-focused public transportation with a commitment to excellence in safety and service.
COAST is an innovative leader in providing a broad range of public transportation services, connecting and coordinating a robust network of transportation options for everyone.
Green Mountain Transit, Burlington, VT
(small urban, rural)
The mission of GMT is to promote and operate safe, convenient, accessible, innovative and sustainable public transportation services in the northwest and central Vermont region that reduce congestion and pollution, encourage transit oriented development and enhance the quality of life for all.
Mason Transit. Shelton, WA
We provide transportation choices that connect people, jobs, and community, increasing the quality of life in Mason County.
Driving our community forward.
Mountain Transit, Big Bear Lake, CA
Work in partnership with communities, businesses and organizations to develop, deliver and promote innovative and sustainable transportation solutions for travel to and around the San Bernardino Mountain region.
Effortless transportation options for the residents, workforce and guests of our diverse San Bernardino Mountain communities.
North Central Regional Transit District, Española, NM
The mission of the North Central Regional Transit District is to provide safe, secure and effective public transportation within North Central New Mexico in order to enhance the quality of life of our citizens by providing mobility options and spur economic development throughout the region.
To be an environmentally conscious, sustainable partner, enhancing the quality of life of the north central New Mexico communities and beyond.
OATS Transit, Columbia, MO
Enhancing quality of life by providing safe, caring & reliable transportation services.
Every OATS community receives superior transportation services.
River Cities Public Transit
River Cities Public Transit is committed to providing safe, reliable and courteous public transportation to the members of the communities we serve by promoting quality of life, livability, self-sufficiency and freedom through mobility
To demonstrate a “Standard of Excellence” unparalleled in the small urban and rural transit industry by richly enhancing mobility options for residents in the communities River Cities Public Transit serves.
Sumter County Transit, Wildwood, FL
To ensure all citizens of Sumter County professional, efficient, and cost-effective transportation services. Sumter County will provide safe, clean, comfortable, and economical transportation; and be alert to citizen needs and prepare for those needs in a timely manner.
Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc.
(small urban, rural)
To contribute to the overall social, environmental, and economic health in our service area by delivering safe, reliable and affordable transportation and, at the same time, being a responsive, responsible employer.
To become a model community transportation system committed to quality service, employee-management collaboration, and innovation.
Town of Ocean City Transportation
In a friendly manner and with safety as our primary goal, we are committed together to provide an efficient public transportation system to the residents and vacationers of Ocean City without incident, accident, or inconsistency.
Treasure Valley Transit, Nampa, ID
The mission of Treasure Valley Transit, Inc. (TVT) is to provide a viable public transportation system where the need is great and access is limited.
Treasure Valley Transit, Inc. sees the future of the Southwest Idaho region as distinguished by growth. Growth creates the necessity for TVT to provide alternate transportation options. Treasure Valley Transit is well positioned to serve the population and to provide benefits in terms of the environment, the movement of people, and the general quality of life in the region. This will be accomplished with the leadership of TVT working with the community in transit planning efforts.
Tri-CAP, Waite Park, MN
The mission of Tri-CAP is to expand opportunities for the economic and social well-being of our residents and the development of our communities.
The vision of Tri-CAP is to empower and engage residents of our communities to achieve goals of personal self-sufficiency.
Rhonda Torgersen and
It is often said that management is a function, while leadership is a role. During a crisis, big or small, how a manager acts and reacts to changing dynamics associated with a crisis will often define the very success or failure of the manager in the eyes of employees, riders, and the community. The long-term legacy of the manager and culture of the organization will be influenced by how the manager leads during a crisis.
Within any transit agency, there is the potential for crises, big or small, on an hour-by-hour, day-by-day basis. Here is a list of both internal and external crises that a manager may need to lead through:
While each crisis will present different challenges and responses, some basic ground rules to follow apply across the board, regardless of the nature, severity, or length of the crisis.
1. Prepare before the crisis. This involves having a clear vision, well thought-out plans, operating procedures, and supplies in place before something happens. For example, very few transit systems had a pandemic plan prior to the impact created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Few were prepared with internal stockpiles of personal protective equipment (face masks, disposable gloves, disinfectants, cleansers, etc.) prior to the pandemic. Fewer still had pre-determined policies or procedures for staffing, service changes, stay-at-home workers, etc. It is important to have regular planning sessions that address the “What if this happened?” question. This exercise would allow the creation of real, in-place action plans. A representative of the agency should also be involved in the community’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) which all counties now have to respond to larger community emergencies.
2. Lead from the front and model the behavior expected in others. It is vitally important that the manager model the exact behavior expected of employees. Modeling a cool, calm, in-control emotional state is crucial during a crisis. Showing up during all hours to demonstrate to employees the management’s support, concern, and understanding of their extra efforts is very important for employee morale. Managers should be aware of what they say and do during a crisis. Blaming others will not fix anything and can give others permission to speak and act in the same way. A positive “we are all in this together” attitude during a crisis is job number one for the managing leader.
3. Communicate effectively with crystal-clear clarity. During a crisis, ongoing communication is essential. Have an up-to-date all-call / all-text / all-email system in place to communicate to staff important real-time information. Having an early morning and end of the workday staff meeting to keep everyone on the same page during a crisis is critical. Having a single point of contact for customer information (such as the agency’s website) is vital. Daily and even hourly changes in operations must be shared as soon as possible. A single point of contact at the transit agency with local media, such as a public information officer, is important to ensure that messaging is consistent, coordinated, and the transit agency’s official statements. All information to the public should come from that single source. The manager is the point of contact for the board of directors. Keeping the board and community leaders informed typically is done through senior management. The media to use (texts, emails, phone calls, etc.) are up to the manager. With virtual communication options available, no one should be left in the dark during a crisis. The manager should also prioritize the issues quickly and re-prioritize as often as necessary.
4. Focus on people and address employee concerns up front. During a difficult time, employees worry about job security. Let people know the absolute truth about the future. Employees want to know how these events affect them, their families, and their futures. Transparency during uncertain times is paramount. Also, it is so important to let employees know that their manager sees them as people first. Stop and talk. Let them vent. Offer encouragement and empathy during large scale emergencies. Remember, they may be scared and worried. Show humanity. It can be a comfort for employees and it is the right thing to do.
5. Take care of yourself. There is an old saying that “you can’t give away what you don’t have.” It is critical that managers take care of themselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Stress during a crisis is real. Taking time for self-care so a manager can be strong for others is not selfish but necessary. Staying strong, well, and under control is vital to both physical and mental health.
6. Take a broad, holistic view. During a crisis, it is easy to get trapped into a narrow focus of moment-by-moment decision-making. It is important that the manager empowers operations, dispatch, and maintenance to make necessary decisions, which management will support. Employees need to know that the manager trusts them and will “have their back.” The manager’s job is to see the challenges and face them, as well as to see the opportunities for a better future. Embrace reality and translate it into a vision. The “we will come out of this better” is not just a saying, it is the manager’s responsibility.
7. Celebrate success. In a crisis, even small successes matter. Thank people often. Announce success stories to everyone. This is what people need during a crisis. They need to see their manager as someone who appreciates their efforts, acknowledges any positive progress, and shares credit. Any chance to share a positive story to the wider community through the media is beneficial during a crisis. After a crisis, it is also important to manage the post-crisis “new normal.”
The functions of the manager are ever-changing, but the role of the manager during a crisis will show the true character of the leader.
An example of how transit managers effectively led during a crisis was the unprecedented Oregon wildfires of 2020. Transit leaders had to make quick decisions after wildfires spread rapidly through Oregon. Decisions included adjusting routes, temporarily stopping service, and evacuating displaced community members, while ensuring that no passengers were stranded and that changes were communicated promptly. Innovative ideas included “borrowing” staff from other agencies, housing displaced employees, allowing time off – in other words – doing whatever was necessary.
For additional information on preparation for and leadership during a crisis, refer to the Safety, Security and Emergency Management section of the Toolkit. The National RTAP Emergency Information Dissemination technical brief provides guidance on communicating during a crisis, including a case study with best practices.
National RTAP has also prepared two emergency response checklists, one for use
during normal operating hours, and the other intended for use
after normal operating hours.
Updated March 12, 2024
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