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Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Community Outreach

Community Outreach – Westmoreland County Transit

Two women are standing behind a purple table with a rainbow wheel and brochures on it.

Go Westmoreland, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, felt the need to broaden awareness by increasing their outreach and community education efforts. To broaden awareness of their service, they increased their attendance at events, including health fairs, church and library events, and events like Mount Pleasant Night Out (shown in photo). When needed, they brought along translators to communicate across language barriers. One of their favorite events is the Library’s Book Mobile program, where they can get kids interested in transit at a young age.


WCTA staff also developed a “Transit 101” PowerPoint for stakeholder groups. The presentation increases awareness of transit and the value it brings to the community, as well as delivering how-to-ride information. The presentation is tailored for each audience.


To measure the success of outreach, WCTA staff tracks the presentations they deliver, documenting the number of people they interact with. Prior to 2023, in a typical year, they attended 19 events. But beginning that year, they have increased to as many as 72 presentations annually. Acknowledging that outreach is a necessary yet “long-game” approach to building ridership, WCTA plans rider surveys to collect feedback and measure the impact of their outreach and marketing.

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