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Transit Benefits Statistics

National RTAP has compiled a list of compelling statistics from diverse national sources that your organization can add to presentations, brochures, handouts, and advertisements to help demonstrate the many benefits and lasting value of public transit. By using powerful data in your marketing materials, you can influence stakeholders to foster policies and improve funding mechanisms that invest in and expand the reach of transit. Statistics in this toolkit can also be used in direct consumer marketing materials to attract and retain current and future riders.

The data on this page cover a host of substantial transit benefits and assets, including economic prosperity, expanded job opportunities, enhanced access to vital community resources, and improvements to the environment and public health and individual well-being. 

Sources and links to original research and reports are provided next to the data.

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

2021 - 52% of people say it's extremely or very important to have safe public transportation. 2021 AARP Home and Community Preferences Survey

American Bus Association (ABA)

2023 - The motorcoach industry provided jobs to 70,267 people in 2023. Motorcoach Census Research

2022 - The overall number of passenger miles by motorcoach increased by 60% above levels during COVID-19. Size and Scope (Motorcoach Census Results)

2019 - Motorcoaches release the least amount of CO2 emissions (36.7) compared to other modes of travel, such as a car with one person (355.7), transportation network company (374.4), and domestic air travel. (181.5). Updated Comparison of Energy Use & Emissions from Different Transportation Modes

American Public Transportation Association (APTA)

2024 - Ridership rebounded to 79% of pre-pandemic levels in March 2024. Public Transportation Ridership Update

2023 - If you can live with one less vehicle in your household, you would save $6,624 in car ownership cost. Fuel Savings Calculator

2023 - Public transit employs about 430,000 people. 2023 Public Transportation Factbook

2023 - There are 1,281 rural public transit systems in the United States and ridership in rural areas is estimated at 36.87 billion total passenger miles traveled. 2023 Public Transportation Factbook

2023 - 87% of trips on public transit have a direct impact on the local economy.  2023 Public Transportation Factbook

2022 - 80% of Transit Ballot Initiatives passed in 2022 Voters Across the Country Support Public Transportation at the Ballot Box
2021 - Public transportation provides nearly 10 billion commuter, leisure, non-emergency medical and specialized trips each year. 
2021 Public Transportation Factbook
2021 - Since 1995, there has been a 28% increase in public transit ridership. 
2021 Public Transportation Factbook

2021 - 99% of fixed route and 96% of demand response services are accessible. 2021 Public Transportation Factbook

Arizona State University

2024 - Using a car for over 50% of out-of-home activities lowers life satisfaction. Does Car Dependence Make People Unsatisfied With Life? Evidence From a U.S. National Survey

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

2023 - Vehicles cost consumers 31.7-48.2% of their income, while public transportation trips cost 4.1-9.9% of their income.  Types of Transportation by Income Quintile

2023 - The average total cost of car ownership per 15,000 miles rose from $10,729 in 2022 to $12,182 in 2023.

Average Cost of Owning and Operating an Automobile

2022 - Transportation contributed $1.7 trillion (6.7%) to the economy in 2022. Contribution of Transportation to the Economy

2022 - Transportation employs over 15.8 million people. Transportation Statistics Annual Report

Citizens for Modern Transit

2019 - A $10 million investment in public transportation results in a $30 million gain in sales for local businesses. Benefits of Transit
2019 - 80% of Americans believe that increased investment in public transportation strengthens the economy, creates jobs, reduces traffic congestion and air pollution and saves energy. 
Benefits of Transit
2019 - An estimated 14 million Americans ride public transportation each weekday. 
Benefits of Transit
2019 - Public transportation produces 95% less carbon monoxide, 90% less volatile organic compounds and about 50% as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide per mile compared to private vehicles. 
Benefits of Transit

Harvard School of Public Health

2021 - A public transit, walking and biking infrastructure can reduce CO2 emissions by 25%. Health Benefits of TCI Policy Scenarios


2020 - 78% of Americans believe that national transportation infrastructure policy is important. America THINKS: The Imperative for a National Transportation Policy

2019 - 73% of American's believe that high quality national transportation systems are important to economic prosperity and quality of life.  America THINKS: The Imperative for a National Transportation Policy

International Association of Public Transport (UITP)

2023 - According to the European Environmental Agency, public transport by bus is twice as efficient and by rail four times more efficient than cars. Public Transport Benefits

2023 - Investment in public transport creates 25% more jobs in the wider economy than the same level of investment in roads or highways would produce. Public Transport Benefits

2023 - Public transit costs 1/16 of what people pay for owning a personal car. Public Transport Benefits

2021 - Approximately 60% of transit agencies in the U.S. are contracting all or part of their operations. Contracting In Transit: The Value and Benefits of Private Contracting in North America and Internationally to Meet Passenger Needs

McKinsey & Company

2023 - 46% of car owners are open to replacing their private vehicles with other modes of transport in the coming decade. The Future of Mobility

National Association of Realtors

2023 - 69% of people feel that having public transit nearby is a very important or important factor in deciding where to live. National Community and Transportation Preferences Survey

Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility (SURCOM)

2023 - 6% of people surveyed reported that they had missed or delayed a health care trip during the past 12 months because of a lack of transportation. The study found that the odds of missing a health care trip due to lack of transportation were 7.13 times higher for those without access to a car. Impacts of Transit on Health in Rural and Small Urban Areas

2022 - Rural transit agencies provided 408.9 million vehicle miles of service and 23.9 million vehicle hours of service. Rural Transit Fact Book

2021 - Tribal transit agencies provided 1.7 million rides. Rural Transit Fact Book

2021 - 3 to 10 trips per month could be provided to an isolated individual at a lower cost than the extra medical costs due to isolation. Research Report – An Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Providing Increased Mobility to Reduce Social Isolation Among America's Aging Population 

U.S. Travel Association

2023 - Travelers in the United States directly spent $1.3 trillion, which produced an economic footprint of $2.8 trillion and supported more than 15 million American jobs. Economic Impact of the U.S. Travel Industry

2023 - Travel strengthens communities and generated $89 billion in state and local tax revenue. Economic Impact of the U.S. Travel Industry

2022- Travel spending alleviates an average of $1,270 in taxes per U.S. household. Economic Impact of the U.S. Travel Industry

Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI)

2024 - A particular transit route might attract 6,000 more riders if more employers offered subsidized transit passes; 7,000 if a local college has a U-Pass program; 8,000 if service quality improves; 9,000 if Park & Ride, pedestrian and bicycle access improved; and 10,000 if parking prices increase. Evaluating Public Transit Benefits and Costs

2024 - About 12% of U.S. residents use transit at least once during a two month period. Evaluating Public Transit Benefits and Costs 

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Updated December 19, 2024

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