Hours of Operation:

Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Direct Mail: Verde Shuttle

Direct Mail: Verde Shuttle

An advertisement for verde shuttle shows a man getting off a bus.

Cottonwood Area Transit launched the Verde Shuttle to help employees living in Cottonwood, Arizona, travel to nearby Sedona for work. In addition to marketing conducted through employers such as hotels, launch marketing included a direct mail campaign to Cottonwood residents living in the service area. The direct mail was designed to show a clear and simple map of the service area, information on fares and hours, and a free round-trip pass to encourage trial ridership. Like all the Verde Shuttle marketing, the direct mail postcard was written in both English and Spanish to reach the widest audience. 

A green bus with the words verde shuttle on the side on a brochure. The other side shows a map.
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